
何回か触れてきた『木を見る西洋人森を見る東洋人 思考の違いはいかにして生まれるか』(ASIN:4478910189)の流れで(id:pavlusha:20041002#p4経由)。同頁から「文化心理学 +文化結合症候群」経由で New York Times での文化人類学者 Sherry Ortnerによる 書評 East Brain, West Brainに目を通す。この本に対して結構厳しい批判をしている。特に最後に段落だけ引用。

What is the point of this drive to divide the world into these monolithic units of East and West? Nisbett hopes that clarifying the contrasts between Western and Eastern thought will promote cross-cultural understanding. But anthropologists have learned the hard way that this kind of exercise -- in which cultures are represented as deeply and homogeneously programmed with very different ways of thinking -- often has quite the opposite effect, fostering or feeding unproductive stereotypes (or worse). It is hard not to feel that this is precisely the trap into which ''The Geography of Thought'' has fallen.
