Hear Africa 2005

2月2日にガーディアンがHear Africa 2005という年間かけてのレポートシリーズをはじめた。

February 2 2005:This is a crucial year for Africa. The meeting of G7 finance ministers later this week is the start of a series of high-profile political and cultural events that will help shape the continent's future. Today the Guardian and Guardian Unlimited begin a year-long series of reports tracking the west's promises on aid, trade and debt relief by focusing on Africa's rapidly expanding cities.

同日の論説(comment)でMadeleine Buntingは

All the elements are in place - or almost all - for a breakthrough year on Africa. We have the much-vaunted commitment of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown to spend their political capital on this - and now is not the time or place to quibble over the mixture of motives that includes the UK's much-needed international rehabilitation after the debacle of Iraq. Political opportunities often have such shabby births, the crucial issue is to keep eyes focused on the prize: will they deliver?

とぶち上げている。この論説のタイトルは「Let's badger them to hell 連中(ブレア・ブラウン)を甘やかすな」というもの。「甘やかすな」というのは意訳で、要するに耳ざわりのよいことを言っているからといって甘やかすのではなく、実際にアフリカのためにきちんと成果をあげるのか、しつこく迫り続けよう、ということ。
